

  1. 須循合法和公平的途徑收集個人資料,而該等資料只可用於和文武雙全青少年發展基金有限公司的服務和活動有直接關係的合法目的上;
  2. 就該等目的而言,所收集的資料是實際所需的資料,而且是足夠而不過多的;
  3. 在合理切實可行的範圍內,文武雙全青少年發展基金有限公司在收集資料前,通知資料當事人收集資料的目的及可能向其轉介資料的人士類別;
  4. 須通知當事人,他╱她有權要求查閱及改正個人資料,及提出如此要求之途徑;
  5. 須採取一切合理及切實可行的步驟,確保所收集或保留的個人資料就使用的目的上是準確的,保存的時間不得超過需要使用資料作既定用途的時間;
  6. 除非事先獲得資料當事人同意,否則該等個人資料,只有在符合收集資料的目的或在上述條例許可的情況下,才可使用、披露或轉介;
  7. 須採取一切合理及切實可行的步驟,確保所持個人資料獲得保護,避免未經許可或意外的查閱、處理、刪除或作其他用途;
  8. 備有文武雙全青少年發展基金有限公司有關個人資料的政策及實務常規的資訊、所持的個人資料種類,以及該等個人資料的主要用途,以隨時供人查閱;
  9. 資料當事人可獲允許查閱及改正有關他們個人資料。但是在若干情況下,資料使用者可根據條例的規定及有關豁免的條文而拒絕依從該項要求。
  10. 活動時有機會進行拍照和拍攝及將來不需要徵詢當事人同意下有權使用有關照片和視頻片段進作公開及推廣用途。如有任何疑慮,請即向同事提出。

如果你對本會的私隱政策及實務方面有任何查詢,請透過電子郵件 info@pen-sword.org.hk 向本會提出。

The PEN & SWORD YOUTHS DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUNDS LIMITED’s Data Protection Policy is in compliance with the stated obligations under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The main points of the privacy policy and general practices are summarized as follows:

  1. Personal data should be collected by lawful and fair means and can only be used for lawful purposes directly related to the services and activities of the PEN & SWORD YOUTHS DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUNDS LIMITED.
  2. The data collected should be necessary, adequate but not excessive in relation to its purposes.
  3. Before collecting the data, as far as reasonably practicable, the PEN & SWORD YOUTHS DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUNDS LIMITED will inform the data subject about the purpose(s) for collecting the data and the classes of persons to whom the data may be transferred to the PEN & SWORD YOUTHS DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUNDS LIMITED.
  4. The data subject should be informed of his/her rights to request access to and the correction of the personal data, and also the ways for making such request.
  5. All reasonably practicable steps should be taken to ensure that personal data collected or retained are accurate for the purposes for which they are to be used.
  6. Unless prior consent has been obtained from the data subject, the personal data should only be used, disclosed or transferred for the purposes or a directly related purpose(s) for which they were collected or where they are allowed under the Ordinance.
  7. All reasonably practicable steps should be taken to ensure that personal data held are protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use.
  8. Information about the policy and general practices of the PEN & SWORD YOUTHS DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUNDS LIMITED in relation to the personal data, the types of personal data held and the main purposes for which personal data are used, should generally be available for inspection upon request.
  9. The data subject will be allowed to access to and correct his/her personal data. However, the PEN & SWORD YOUTHS DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUNDS LIMITED may refuse such request subject to the provisions and exemptions of the Ordinance.
  10. In activities & events, there will be opportunities for photography and filming, and in the future, we reserve the right to use the related photos and video clips for public and promotional purposes without needing to seek the consent of the individuals involved. If you have any concerns, please raise them with your colleagues immediately.

PEN & SWORD YOUTHS DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUNDS LIMITED Guideline for the Use of Personal Data. If you have any queries about our Privacy Policy and Practices, please e-mail to info@pen-sword.org.hk.